Four guys with a passion for rock n roll, skateboarding and booze makes for a dangerous cocktail!
The story of Le Fox Holes began where so many stories do - on a bar.
Four men came together from vastly different parts of the world, with only a few goals in mind: to have fun, play rock and roll and to not give a shit while doing so.
The groove is put together by two diabolical Danes from the small towm of Silkeborg.
Silky on bass and Ibber on drums. Longtime friends since high school, who've played in bands like Telestjernen, Death To Frank Ziyanak and The Wong Boys, the make up the backbone of the Foxes.
The guitar is manned by the original Tasmanian Devil, Mr. Yum Yum Saint Hamilton.
Having played in bands all over the globe, he has left more blood sweat ad tears on stage than he would care to admit.
He's the balls, the tip and the shaft of the band.
The microphone is held by the Juju Fox - an American with as much presence as Old Glory itself.
Having been born in the midwest and raised in Seattle, he has the wits of a city slicker, the charm of a country boy and the stage presence of a man with nothing to lose.
He's the mouth of the band!
Even though Le Fox Holes are all individually from the far reaches of the globe, they somehow found each other ina small city, in a small country in the north of Europe.
And through their shared loves - Booze, Boards and not giving a fuck - they have become an unstoppable freight train of music.